Hoover-Ball was invented by President Herbert Hoover’s personal physician, Joel T. Boone to keep the president fit. It is a combination of tennis and volleyball that uses a weighted medicine ball. Teams of up to five people play on a court with an 8-foot volleyball net. A 4- or 6-pound medicine ball is used and scoring is exactly like tennis. The sport originated in 1928 and was played by Hoover and other VIP's on the White House lawn nearly every morning during his Presidency. It is now a popular CrossFit activity across the nation and a beloved part of Hoover's Hometown Days. West Branch, Iowa, proudly hosts the Hoover-Ball National Championship Tournament each August.
The National Championships are powered by Whitney’s Wings!

Adult Hoover-Ball
Divisions: Mens and Womens. Teams must have 4 or 5 players to be considered eligible.
Registration: $20 per person in advance (until August 9 at Noon) or $30 for walk-up registration available from 8 – 8:45 a.m on event day. Each team member may register separately or a team member can purchase tickets for the whole team.
T-Shirts: Hoover-Ball T-Shirts are $15 each and can be added to your registration.
Prizes in Each Division:
1st Place - $200 Cash, Medals, and team member names on the trophy that is permanently displayed at the Herbert Hoover Museum & Library!
2nd Place - $150 Cash & Medals!
3rd Place - $100 Cash & Medals!
Youth Hoover-Ball
Youth Tournament: Friday, August 9, 2024 @ 4pm
Register for the Youth Hoover-Ball Tournament with a free-will donation to support to Whitney's Wings. Every participant receives a t-shirt and winners will be awarded individual medals. Registration closes on Thursday before the games.
Youth Divisions:

Division I
Students entering grades 4 and 5. Teams are Co-Ed.
Division II
Students entering grades 6 and 7. Teams are Co-Ed.
Division III-F
Female students entering grades 8 and 9.
Division III-M
Male students entering grades 8 and 9.
Youth Hoover-Ball Camp:
Youth Hoover-Ball Camp is a free and fun way to build skills, learn the rules, and practice before the tournament. You will opt in/out of Hoover-Ball Camp when you register for the tournament.
To keep camp fun, please sign up for the appropriate age group on the registration form. Camp will take place at the Hoover-Ball Courts near 318 W. Main Street in West Branch, Iowa.
Div. I camp will be Wedsesday, July 24th from 5-6pm.
Div. II camp will be Thursday, July 25th from 5-6pm.
There is no camp for Div. III players but they are welcome to join a DI or DI camp if needed.

Hoover-Ball is proudly hosted by Whitney's Wings. Donations are appreciated!
100% of the proceeds from Hoover-Ball go back into the community through Whitney's Wings! Whitney's Wings' mission is to Spread Joy. They provide free family fun and a space to request items in need (diapers, groceries, etc.). They serve families in West Branch, West Liberty, Tipton, Muscatine, and surrounding smaller communities.
THANK YOU to the 2024 Hoover-Ball Sponsors:

West Branch Roofing, The Honey Den, Partner Home Advantage, Barnhart Custom Services,
Browns West Branch Dealership and Fidelity Bank & Trust.